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Duneane Primary School


2020/2021 School Year

29th Sep 2020
Our garden is the perfect spot to hunt for signs of Autumn. Mrs. Cuthbertson asked...
29th Sep 2020
Every morning all of our pupils start their day with their Daily Mile. This involves...
28th Sep 2020
As part of our SUSTRANS programme every pupil was recently supplied with a reflector...
28th Sep 2020
It has been a while but we have had some more sunflowers blooming. Congratulations...
22nd Sep 2020
We have always enjoyed our weekly outdoor play sessions and are loving the excuse...
15th Sep 2020
Today In Sunny outdoor play we enjoyed helping out in the garden with some tidying...
4th Sep 2020
Our new gazebo has been erected and P1 - P3 made use of it for their first Art lesson...